March 2022

Due to Omicron, rather than our previously schedule trip to Portugal, we made a Florida song through many NPS Units. Bo was born and raised in Florida, and had not been to any of these places, so that was fun to experience with him for the first time too. Our trip included De Soto National Memorial, Everglades National Park, Big Cypress National Preserve, and Biscayne National Park. We had attempted to go to Dry Tortugas National Park, but our trip was cancelled due to challenging weather.

We did have fun along the way in Everglade City, Islemorada, and Key West, and South Beach.

And it was an exciting month … Sam was accepted to Edison High School. And he also played in the big Washington State Youth Basketball Tournament.

And my favorite throw-back photo to share!

And James sent me this … Love my friends!