Green Globe

Green Globe is he Global leader in Sustainable Tourism Certification. For your next adventure, please research the Green Globe Members and stay at a hotel that is good for you, the environment, and the community you are visiting!

“Protecting the environment is both a moral obligation and a business imperative for travel and tourism, the world’s largest industry. It can effectively reach millions of customers with a coherent and compelling environmental message.”— Rio Earth Summit 1992

Green Globe focuses on “A World of Better Travel”

  • Protect Environment

  • Protect Community

  • Source Locally

  • Reduce Waste

  • Improve Efficiencies

  • Alleviate Poverty

  • Support Cultures

And so, Green Globe was born over 30 years ago.

For three decades we have grown to become the world’s leading certification for sustainable operation and management of travel & tourism worldwide.

We certify hotels, resorts, conference centres and attractions, (amongst other industries), making them the most secure & sought after tourism businesses around the world.

The Green Globe International Standard for Sustainable Tourism has been developed over three decades in collaboration with the travel and tourism industry, communities in tourism destinations and other stakeholders. Our Standard is recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council and Green Globe is an Affiliate Member of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation UNWTO

Triple Bottom Line - People, their Place and Prosperity

Green Globe Members:

  • commit to operating to the highest level of sustainability.

  • commit to managing the use of energy and water as well as promoting reuse and recycling of materials.

  • invest in protecting the culture and heritage of their host destination.

  • engage a sustainability plan targeting over 300 activities carried out at all levels of the company.

  • promote diversity and inclusiveness in their work force, while respecting local cultures.

  • respect and promote global compacts promoting equality, health, welfare, human rights and prohibiting child exploitation.

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