Watch: Parts Unknown

This is the show where Tony found his grove at CNN. He was able to be his unique authentic self and push for dynamic and original content. I had the opportunity to go to Antacartica in early 2023 and I watched his Antarctica show when I sailing over the Drake Passage. He was emotional about his experiences there as was I knowing I was on a trip of a lifetime … seeing nature as I’ve never seen it before.

Parts Unknown (2013–2018)

Main article: Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown

Bourdain with his Peabody Award in 2014

“In May 2012, Bourdain announced that he was leaving the Travel Channel. In December, he explained on his blog that his departure was due to his frustration with the channel's new ownership using his voice and image to make it seem as if he were endorsing a car brand, and the channel's creating three "special episodes" consisting solely of clips from the seven official episodes of that season.[53] He went on to host Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown for CNN. The program focused on other cuisines, cultures and politics and premiered on April 14, 2013.[54]

President Barack Obama was featured on the program in an episode filmed in Vietnam that aired in September 2016; the two talked over a beer and bun cha at a small restaurant in Hanoi.[55] The show was filmed and is set in places as diverse as Libya, Tokyo, the Punjab region,[56] Jamaica,[57]Turkey,[58] Ethiopia,[59] Nigeria,[60] Far West Texas[61] and Armenia.[62]

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