Farewell Camera Era
Ever since I was a child, I’ve always loved taking photos and documenting moments with a camera. Over the years, I’ve always had many trusted partners … from the Polaroid Instant Camera, to the trusty Kodak, to an fit in the palm of your hand Olympus, to my first digital Sony camera, and then to becoming a brand loyalist to Canon after Andre Agassi launched the Canon Rebel in the early 1990’s.
And last week, I bid a farewell to my sweet and treasured camera era by donating both of my beloved Canon EOS Rebels, and my many lenses, to Ridwell. Cameras were included in their bi-weekly Featured pickup. After getting my new iPhone 13 PRO with the three lenses, I had my new favorite camera in my pocket, and felt the timing was right.
It was an emotional goodbye and tears were shed, mostly by me. But I know my cameras and lenses will get into the hands of those that really want them, and that makes me happy.
It is an end of an era, indeed!